Photo by Dana Wiezorek
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Bottom Line News & Views is published monthly by Northland Media , LLC, and may be viewed online at
Dana Wiezorek, Owner/Publisher/Editor/Outside Sales/Design/Layout
Devona Meske, Design/Layout
Denny Meske, Outside Sales/Distribution
The contents of Bottom Line News & Views may not be reproduced without permission, and all advertising is subject to the Publisher’s approval and acceptance without recourse. Submitted letters to the editor, commentaries, and articles printed in Bottom Lines News & Views do not represent the views of the Publisher. If we are responsible for an advertising error, the advertiser will receive a credit for the value of the ad. No refunds will be given.
For more information, contact Devona Meske at 715-682-2608 or Dana Wiezorek at 715-685-4871, or email: or
Subscriptions are $3.50 per issue, and may be mailed to: 64460 Gillis Rd Ashland, WI 54806
Dennis Meske-
Devona Meske-
Dana Meske-Wiezorek-